High-Stakes Poker. Going All-In. Losing My Stones.
"I’m a beginner at poker”, she said before we started the game. Then she took all my poker chips (it seemed like she KNEW WHAT CARDS I WAS HOLDING!)-- plus three flawless 3 carat stones the game observers at the same party believed were genuine diamonds worth hundreds of thousands of US dollars. My super sneaky wife is the reason why. Here's the story...Plus I'll explain how if you ever lose a single stone you purchased from CubicZirconia.com, it won’t be expensive to replace.
Best of the Blog
Since the founding of our website-- check out our top, most-read 17 blog posts to date! Topics include diamond deprogramming, relationship tips, engagement proposal ideas and stories, product care and cleaning, picking the right engagement ring, gift ideas and what factors make our 5A diamond-quality cubic zirconia stones the best!
Cubic Zirconia Stone Shape Videos
These videos show the most popular different shapes of cubic zirconia loose stones we make and sell, as well as the customizable center stones available for setting atop the highest percentage of most products we make and sell in our jewelry catalog.