Don't feed your flies and 99 Things to never say to your wife/husband
Most things you say to your lover will be as short-lived as flies. Your significant other's memories of hearing you say these words, however, won't die quickly…but very well could kill your marriage.Today, we'll share a a story about finding the root cause of problems, killing flies instead of feeding them, and a list of 99 Things to never say to your wife or husband.And just like flies beget more flies, the more of these things you say in your marriage, the more of these things you’ll hear said to you in your marriage.Don’t feed your flies.
Inches from dumped in a divorce or early death: The history of the high jump is calling on above-average men to raise the bar as husbands
Statistically, the average man and husband may be just centimeters/inches away from getting dumped in a divorce-- or dying in an early death…but in a weird quirk we’ll discuss in today’s article comparing the art of being a husband with the historical evolution of the world record for the high jump, in the humdrum competition of husbands, that same man is also just centimeters/inches away from a champion husband his wife will continue to love, adore, respect and yes-- at times LOL-- obey. Men, there’s a secret to being the high-above-average husband your wife deserves-- one that’s only inches away.
‘You’re kinda crazy!’ vs. Your Kind Of Crazy: When Opposites Attract, How to Tell If He/She is Your Kind Of Crazy
There’s a very short distance in my experience between “You’re kinda crazy” and “your kind of crazy”-- and we don’t just mean grammatically. We’ve all heard the saying that ‘opposites attract’. It was certainly true for Mr. Cubic Zirconia. What follows at the link below is a blog post telling the story of the first day he knew he couldn’t survive without the woman he’d go on to make my wife. When opposites attract, it can be beautiful. Or a mess. But yes, it’s gonna be a beautiful mess even when it works out. Your marriage mileage may vary. Here’s how to tell if he/she is your kind of crazy.
Couple’s Vacations to Fall in Love Again
Shared travel experiences have a way of nurturing couples' bonds. As you discover new places and cultural attractions, you'll be creating the memories of a lifetime. You’ve only gotta take that trip as a couple one time together, and forever thereafter nobody can ever take your memories away from you.  While many trips do cost a considerable sum, just remember that you can't take your hard-earned dollars with you when you take that final journey. In today’s blog post we’ll detail some of our favorite (yet expensive) places in the United States and Europe-- plus a few international couple's vacation gems that aren’t super crowded and can provide a great couple’s vacation experience at a fraction of the cost most of our customers spend on just everyday life.  Whether inexpensive or luxury, couple’s vacation trips like these can be money well spent because it's sure to be an enriching experience that complements your love and enhances your time together.
The Trap of Marriage Comparisons and the Cure for Relationship Envy
We believe much of the unhappiness in many otherwise average marriages can be traced back to the question: “Who do you compare yourselves with?”. If your comparison ‘benchmark’ is other couples who you feel are happier, more intimate, more intelligent, more beautiful, more popular, more compatible, more powerful, more accomplished, fitter and wealthier than you and your partner? Well, that kind of marriage comparison is a giant, 34-car pile-up waiting to happen. Here’s the solution.