Reading a bad review over the Public Address PA system speaker
If you’ve been in business long enough and have enough happy, satisfied customers…you’re bound to also have customers that think you’re a jackass. Not all businesses would read a bad review over the PA (Public Address) speaker system, but today we’re gonna do just that. Here's one of my favorite customer complaints…and my reply is
Between a rock and a hard place
The discussion with your future spouse about a non-diamond engagement ring can be a tough conversation when society has a certain expectation but you want to do something different. We call it being "between a rock and a hard place". This article will provide a few ideas and resources to help couples talk through the options for a non-mined-diamond alternative. Just as you can create your own wedding experience, you can choose an engagement ring that actually reflects your values-- individually and as a couple. And if you do it together, it's a great test-drive of many future values-driven decisions a marriage will be better off for if a couple makes together.
Best of the Blog
Since the founding of our website-- check out our top, most-read 17 blog posts to date! Topics include diamond deprogramming, relationship tips, engagement proposal ideas and stories, product care and cleaning, picking the right engagement ring, gift ideas and what factors make our 5A diamond-quality cubic zirconia stones the best!
Which Precious Metal Is Right For Me/Her?
Make no mistake. Although our stones are imitation diamonds, the precious metals we use in our jewelry items are exactly that – PRECIOUS.