Pull a date out of a hat? (100s of go-to date ideas in 3 hours or less for busy couples)
Marriages are dying every day because of couples’ failures to continue dating-- years and decades after the courtship period-- when it feels hard to make time due to our urgency addictions, modern busyness, procrastination and inertia. Yet we MUST make time to date our significant other regularly-- especially after marriage and children. It’s important…but IT'LL NEVER BE URGENT (until and unless it becomes almost too late). You can make it easy despite a busy life by creating a date ritual with some basic pre-planning of what to do, where and how. Here's one date ritual we have to ensure quality time together, both free and costing money-- time without kids, having zero errands to run, no tasks to complete and with no agenda except enjoying one another’s company. -- Mr. and Mrs. Cubic Zirconia
Most divorces are avoidable: 20 questions to ask before getting married
Marriage can be an excellent source of high-quality, remember-it-forever memories. But it’s not really meant to be one of those ‘try-it-and-then-I'll-buy-it’ deals. Let’s be honest: considering the divorce rate, there have been a LOT of marriages in the last 50 years that never should have happened (and wouldn’t have in our opinion if he/she REALLY knew each other). Why?  ONE BIG REASON: Most individuals in heading-toward-marriage relationships don’t ask the tough questions nearly enough before taking such a big, life-altering action. Thinking of a wedding? You should be asking tough questions every week before you make that decision: questions about yourself, your intended spouse, your values and goals (separately and together)-- tough questions LIKE THESE.
High-Stakes Poker. Going All-In. Losing My Stones.
"I’m a beginner at poker”, she said before we started the game. Then she took all my poker chips (it seemed like she KNEW WHAT CARDS I WAS HOLDING!)-- plus three flawless 3 carat stones the game observers at the same party believed were genuine diamonds worth hundreds of thousands of US dollars. My super sneaky wife is the reason why. Here's the story...Plus I'll explain how if you ever lose a single stone you purchased from CubicZirconia.com, it won’t be expensive to replace.
Liven up Game Night with Sexy Couples’ Rules for Card and Board Games you Already Have and/or Play
"I'll be right back," she said with a suggestive kiss of my ear. 30 minutes later I found her asleep in my daughter's bed with her iPad on her chest and our little girl Hope curled up with her head under my wife's arm. In marriage with kids, things like this will happen.There's unscheduled sex and there's no schedule for sex.But in my experience over the years...one of the easiest ways to create the perfect environment for sex to happen naturally is to block off the time together and challenge your significant other to a sweet and spicy couple’s game night: like an old-fashioned game night with a naughty nipple twist.
Scripting a Sizzling Engagement Proposal at a Japanese Hibachi Grill.
Life isn't a movie but sometimes you just want to script the perfect moment. That’s why we provide these proposal ideas for men through our newsletters and blogs. We like to help you get the juices flowing on your own idea of how to create the romantic memory of a lifetime for that one special lady for you. If she’s never been to a Japanese Hibachi steakhouse where they grill your food right on the table in front of you and a group of other people all sitting together around the outer edge of the cooking surface…or you’ve been together and it’s one of her favorite places, consider the sizzling engagement proposal at a Japanese Hibachi Grill. Dim the lights. Time it right. Cue the applause. And let me tell you a little story about where a smart guy about to get really lucky chose to propose.   Here’s 3 different ways how to do it and why we like it.