NSFW: Battery-operated boyfriends, female orgasms and the pursuit of pleasure
We're guessing that most of our readers and customers may experiment at times with something spicier than normal in the sex department, but that-- like us-- you, too, probably don't keep a gigantic motorized ‘cowgirl’ sex saddle or electronic blowjob machine in your closet. Even though there are women who’ve never experienced an orgasm-- and women who most predictably can come to orgasm only with the help of something besides a partner’s body parts utilized in traditional intercourse, this NSFW article isn’t for everyone. Some readers may find any discussion of dildos and g-spot gizmos controversial. Yet more than half the world has a clitoris…and we’re gonna talk about it.
Pull a date out of a hat? (100s of go-to date ideas in 3 hours or less for busy couples)
Marriages are dying every day because of couples’ failures to continue dating-- years and decades after the courtship period-- when it feels hard to make time due to our urgency addictions, modern busyness, procrastination and inertia. Yet we MUST make time to date our significant other regularly-- especially after marriage and children. It’s important…but IT'LL NEVER BE URGENT (until and unless it becomes almost too late). You can make it easy despite a busy life by creating a date ritual with some basic pre-planning of what to do, where and how. Here's one date ritual we have to ensure quality time together, both free and costing money-- time without kids, having zero errands to run, no tasks to complete and with no agenda except enjoying one another’s company. -- Mr. and Mrs. Cubic Zirconia