Husband and Wife Pranking: 25 Epic Spouse-on-Spouse Pranks

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Epic Spouse-on-Spouse Pranks

Love might be the glue that holds a marriage together through thick and thin, but we think that laughter is what makes a marriage fun and worthwhile. And sometimes laughter is the only thing that keeps you from crying or yelling in anger when it seems like happiness, marriage and sanity aren’t all possible to have all at once at the same time. 

When you love someone, flinty-eyed revenge in the “don’t ever mess with me again!” mode isn't really an option when your significant other’s infraction is just that they ate the last piece of cake you were saving or forgot to pick up your prescription after they promised to do it. 

But pranking is allowed!

In fact, spouse-on-spouse pranking is healthy for a relationship and all in good fun.

If we’re being honest (and we promised we always would be)-- sometimes you don't even need a “revenge” reason to pull a prank on your spouse.

Maybe you  need some relief for his/her annoying pet peeves you've patiently endured. 

But maybe you’re just bored and wanting a fun and flirtatious way to stir the pot.

Because husband-and-wife pranking is meant as comic relief more than petty revenge, we've got some great ideas here that can put some laughter into your day.

To be clear, though, we’re saying light-hearted spouse pranking is healthy-- NOT being mean to one another. 

Here’s an example of a good wifey prank and bad wifey prank…

Bad wifey prank: showing your displeasure over his leaving your car without fuel after borrowing it for three days by putting sugar in his car’s gas tank = MEAN.

Good wifey prank: writing “sugar in the tank” on a label and surreptitiously slapping it on the back of his shirt before he goes to work = That’s pretty freaking funny. 

Here’s an example of a husband that understands a good prank, and a jerk that better not pull that ish on a woman who can throw a punch…

Bad husband prank: Rubbing habanero peppers over the tops of the Mountain Dew cans you’ve more than enough times warned her were yours and yours alone = sadistic stuff.

Good husband prank: opening those same Mountain Dew Cans from the bottom by punching a hole in them, drinking all that surging soda goodness and return the empty cans to the fridge where she’ll one day find them (apparently unopened) = a sweet surprise and a gentle chiding.

Got the difference?

A well-played joke not meant to cause permanent harm is a relationship recipe for stress relief and laughter. 

So before you tonguelash your partner for the umpteenth time over the socks that never made their way into the laundry hamper, here are some tips to get even the fun way.

Help, There's a Spider in Here!

Does she call you in from the garage or while you're mowing the lawn when there's a spider or some unwanted insect in the house? 

Do you think she's a little too squeamish about bugs? Is she always worried about the grandd-daddy of black widow baddies sneaking into your love nest with the dreaded red hourglass shape on its abdomen?

Maybe you can ‘cure' her creepy crawly fears by slapping a black widow sticker on the toilet paper sheet in the powder room. 

"You've got to face your fears, honey!" sounds like a good way to let her know the death’s-head arachnid wasn’t actually real (and it sounds great as a man’s last words).

If she's a deep sleeper, measure her finger with a string. Make sure it's not wound too tightly (the loop should pass through her knuckles easily). Cut the string (or mark it) to the correct size and bring it to a jeweler for measurement. This works pretty well.

Now You See Them, Now You Don't!

One wife decided to give her sweetie swimming trunks as a gift, but while he thought the pair of skinny swim briefs were the normal kind you wear to the pool…she secretly selected dissolvable swimming trunks  (they're actually a thing)! 

As you can see in the TikTok video she made after inviting her hubby for a cool dip on a hot day, this gag product does seem to work. 

She ramped up the prank by locking the door so that her husband couldn't get back inside to cover up his twig and giggleberries. She didn’t have to do that! Of course, she could have opened the door and handed him a towel, but the world of Tiktok is glad she didn't because the video is funny as hell. 

If you're interested in embarrassing your husband, you too can purchase dissolvable swimming trunks. They’re available on Amazon and if you have Prime, you can even have them delivered the next day for serious husband pranking speed!


She Takes Forever in the Bathroom

You're all about “ladies first”, so you graciously let her use the master bathroom every day. The problem is, sometimes that wife of yours just takes too freaking long. 

Between the hot shower, exfoliating whatever and the mascara, it's like she doesn't care that he has to get to work too. What does he do when she doesn’t even respond after a second polite knock on the door? Well, this little prank isn't likely to make her move faster blowing that hair dry, but it will make for a fun story to tell at work. 

At bedtime the next day, this prankster husband grabs some clear food wrap, stretches it across the bowl of the toilet, puts the seat down, and heads to bed. 

In the morning, when she heads to the big bathroom first to get ready for the day, he secretly smiles and waits-- and he's greeted, oh so sweetly, with a hen hoot and a holler.

Pop Goes the Corny Computer

One half of “Team We” loves the  taste, texture and tingly sensation they feel with that first whiff of fresh popcorn being made. Yum yum in my tum tum! But the other half doesn’t touch it, won’t eat it, and even dislikes the smell of popcorn so much they tried to ban this traditional movie snack from their place and refuse to allow couple’s movie nights with a tub of the buttery popped goodness? 

No biggie, butter lover. There’s an actual company that actually makes a butter-oil scented USB dongle that a popcorn lover can simply insert into their computer’s USB drive and what it does is slowly and subtly release the scent of popping popcorn. And at least one person we’ve read about has used this savory scent sensation created for popcorn fans instead to torture their significant other without them knowing where that smell in their office was coming from. Is it funny? Is it a tad evil? Yes and yes.

That’s Cold, Brother

So that inconsiderate hairy husband of yours left you with no hot water again after he enjoyed a long and luxurious hot shower? No problem. 

Most streaming services and Smart TV’s have a smartphone app you can use to control the same television he’s watching from the other room with remote in hand ready to pause and instant replay that special moment that will mean Fantasy sports points on the board for his league team. 

BOOM! ZAP! Channel changed. 

He gets it back and tries to rewind the action, but the darn screen turns off.

Bonus points for making your first insurgent channel change operation coincide with just before his favorite sports team is about to score. Double points if you hear him getting up to investigate the house and pretend to be asleep in the other room.

Is it a poltergeist? Nah, just a pranking wife.

Petty Post-It Madness

Does your boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife routinely leave you little post-it notes with messages on cereal boxes or egg containers, saying semi-helpful and quasi-passive-aggressive things like "almost out" or “need” or “grocery”?

Kinda makes you wonder why can't this grown-ass man or woman just write the needed item on the grocery list taped to the fridge like a normal person…

If you're sick of his/her little needling notes of neediness, one way to get your point across is to give their car a pretend Post-It note ‘paint' job. Yes, cover the whole windshield with Post-it notes each with a few words on it for things you want.

Some ideas to get you inspired:

  • Alone Time
  • Oil Change
  • Tuscany Trip
  • Nose Hair Trimmer
  • Clean Sink
  • Last Brownie
  • Thanksgiving Alibi 

Be sure to use multi-colored sticky notes for added effect.

Donut go breaking my heart

No, she didn’t! Yes, she did. The ultimate betrayal? She ate the last Krispy Kreme donut. What's a fella to do? Easy, he goes to the donut shop again the very next day and buys another box full of glazed goodness. 

He then drives his cop car home, empties the donut box and puts those donuts-for-one in plastic baggies to keep them fresh, hides the whole dozen in a shoe box under his bed. 

Then, with a maniacal glee that’s surprisingly easy to understand for anyone who’s also in love with KK donuts, this aggrieved husband refills the delectable donuts box with zucchini, cucumbers, some oddly shaped carrots, and potatoes-- filming his wife prank all the while.

Mr. Police Officer carefully places the box on the dining room table where she can’t help but find it when she walks in the door. 

Enjoy those taters, Mrs. !


Spaghetti a la Revenge (in a Waffle Cone)

You know those days when you're juggling everything-- work, kids, bills, emergencies and dinner-- and all you want to do is relax with your feet up for 45 minutes but there's a massive mountain of dishes flipping you off from the kitchen sink? Now imagine it’s the very same platter pile your husband promised he'd wash? 

Then, you look out the window and he's sitting in your favorite patio lounge chair with a friggin’ fishing magazine and a glass of…wait, is that lemonade in ol’ Master Bait Mister’s hand?! 

In this case, relationship revenge has a distinct tomato-basil flavor. 

We're thinking, go ahead and leave the dishes, Missus. 

Make yourself a double chocolate ice cream cone for yourself.

And if he asks for one of his own, head back to the kitchen and pile a waffle cone with last night's cold and wriggly gooey spaghetti noodles and Deliver it up to Mr. Wide Mouth Bass with a smile and some sass: “Sorry, honey, in this house we only have ice cream delivery for good boys that wash the dishes”. 

Sparkly Pigeon Shit

He loves his car, does he? Instead of hanging out on Saturday mornings with you and helping out with chores around the house, this hapless hubster is only interested in cleaning, scrubbing, washing and waxing his pride and joy– again! Well, let him know that Mother Nature isn't happy with his sports car obsession and mmm of the house ain’t happy being the one expected to do all the house cleaning either. 

Get a whole bunch of fake bird poop and after he finishes washing the car and hops in the shower, cover that baby in the goop so that when he comes out to admire his weekend handiwork, he'll get a not-so-pleasant surprise. 

“Why Don't You Ever Buy Me Flours?”

Well, you can see this one coming from the dining room-- and it's going to require some kitchen kidding. Get a heavy box filled with all the best brands and types of flour. 

Show her you love her and don't skimp on this one, bud! 

She’ll want her baker’s box filled with cake flour, bread flour, semolina flour, self-raising flour, and don't forget gluten-free flour! 

You can top off this great prank with a cookbook for baking cakes from scratch!

Better than a flower bouquet and about ten times as likely to result in baked goods in your barbarian belly.

Fish Fry and No Fishy Odors!

Seafood isn't for everyone. If your husband won't stop asking for fish for dinner, tell him to get ready for a real fish feast tonight! He'll be so excited because he knows how much you hate to cook fish. While he's dreaming of cod, orange roughy, or perch, you'll be plating a sweet Norwegian treat! That's right-- Swedish Fish candies on your best china. 

Pair your fishy candy main course with Boston Baked Beans and a side of Gummi Fries and you've got a meal fit for a fishing boat captain.

Boxes O'Vengeance

"Girl, you buyin too much stuff!" said the mister of the house at least once a minute for the last millennium. True? Not true? Who cares?

One woman decided to teach her husband a lesson for attempting to make her stop shopping online. Like, new bathroom towels to replace the old ratty ones don't grow on trees! 

So, this prankster princess repurposed all the empty boxes she could find (and took some from friends and neighbors) and piled this massive stack up at the front door as if they'd all just been delivered. 

While filming her shocked guy’s jaw-dropping reaction, a delivery guy–-- yes, it's on film–- happened to walk up to her door with a real delivery. Not surprisingly, the video went viral! 

The lesson is, a couple of packages now and then is easier to swallow than fifty!


Spouse Mouse Trap

If your lover is a serial shopper and you can't seem to get him/her to stop stocking up on stuff you really don’t need, buying things that have very little use, nor honestly look his/her Amazon ‘essentials’ habit in the eye, try this prank. 

Print a small photo of yourself and tape it to the bottom of their computer mouse so that it's not visible from the top. Tape a word bubble above or below the photo that says, "not today, Amazon, not today!" 

Then be sure to get a good spot so you can watch him/her fidget the computer mouse this way and that as he/she tries unsuccessfully to click ‘add to cart' using a device that won’t function properly because of your stock-blocking face.

The New and Not-Cool Nickname

When your pet peeve gets to acting up and needs some relief that won’t cause a homicide investigation, one less-lethal, more-funny way you can get him/her back is the new and not-cool nickname. What you do is simple: pick out a nickname you don’t think he/she would really like, and resolve to hang it on your significant other in such a way that you get to laugh when other people use it (while pretending to be baffled when people use it). 

Instead of you using the new and not-cool nickname, what you do is convince each new person that you meet your guy/gal prefers the made-up nickname to his/her normal name. 

Be sly. Do this out of earshot from your partner. It’s your call whether you laugh out loud or not when the new neighbor calls your S.O. “Gordo” a few times instead of their real name. If you don’t laugh, you can probably pull this off with at least three new introductions and savor the flavor of this cold relationship revenge.

Chicken Soup For The Shower

Did he really say that his mother makes the best chicken soup-- again?! 

No reason to take it to heart if you’re not the type to be petty. 

But if you just can’t let it go-- when was the last time he cooked the soup, anyway? -- just try this husband-pranking recipe: Remove the shower head and slip in a couple chicken bullion cubes before replacing it. 

Hide an onion and carrot behind his shampoo bottle for an extra laugh!

“Hey Don, Why Do You Smell Like Chicken Soup?”

Rearrangement Blues

You said you were going to organize your stuff in the garage. You really meant it and you really were gonna do it. But, since you didn't get to it within her preferred time frame, she went and did it herself. Now you can’t find a damn thing. 

She reorganized your tools and managed to lose some important things. Where’s the replacement string for the weed wacker? What about the backup hacksaw? 

As a return for the favor, you have our permission to reorganize her hardcover books-- the whole library's worth of her favorite fiction and non-fiction. 

Don’t just move them around, though, bro: redecorate by switching around hardback book slipcovers. When she reaches for Anne Perry, she'll get the Dan Brown book!

That’ll teach her that the answer is to prank your behind next time.

Subscription Madness

She said she wishes the two of you had more common interests and wishes you'd take up gardening or cooking so you could share some hobbies. Fair enough, but before you put on an apron and pick up that ladle, laddie, remember that turnabout is fair play. 

Go ahead and helpfully fill her email inbox with email subscriptions to all your favorite newsletters and blogs: machine tools, fantasy football, pro golf, car restoration, and woodworking ought to be a good start for the man who enjoys those activities (and if not, surely you can find some other things you can ‘wish’ her to join your interest in doing together).

Roll Your Eyes Just One More Time!

He hates it when you roll your eyes at him, but when he says something off-the-wall yet again, you can't help it but fire off an eyeroll. It's like an involuntary response and you simply cannot be blamed for it, sister. 

Maybe you can both laugh about it after you pick up a pack of always-rolling, googly eyes and stick hundreds of them to all the beer cans in his man cave fridge.

Keep Your Hands Off My Marshmallows!

She ate all the marshmallows out of his Lucky Charms again? If he wanted boring cereal, he’d buy what she bought for breakfast. This calls for a measured response-- something that lets her know the smore she messes with your cereal the more killer your reply will be.

The Dollar Store has loads of creepy crawlies. For a dollar, you can buy a bag of spiders and another of tiny rubbery snakes. When she strays into the sanctity of your snacks, simply place one or two of these babies in a few places that ought to cause her to jump with fright when she accidentally finds one in a much-used pocket of her purse, bathrobe collar or shoe.

Fake Cake Pops

Does he make a comment every time you make brussels sprouts? Maybe they’re your favorite veggie and maybe you just eat them because green is supposed to be healthy and you want to live happily ever after for more years than the average. 

Why does he have to go and diss your sprouts when you do the cooking? 

You could razz him for the faux health benefits of some of the questionable side items he’ll slap down on the plate and call a complete meal when it’s his turn to cook…sauerkraut, for realz? But no, instead, you can get him back with a tasty-looking tray of alternative cake pops. 

Coat some cooked brussels sprouts in all kinds of frosting or fondant and decorate them to make them oh-so enticing. Don’t forget the sturdy sticks. Wrap one in clear plastic wrap and leave it for him with a nice note to find in the kitchen. 

See how he likes those sprouts after he sinks his teeth into one of those fake cake pops.

Medicine Cabinet Mayhem and Marvels

His wife just doesn't understand a man’s obsession, as she calls it, with Marvel films and superhero cartoons. Maybe if she just gave them a chance, she could love characters like Spiderman and Green Goblin too! 

Yessir, this is an easy fix. You just need a way to get her together spontaneously with these devilishly handsome and dastardly daredevils! Do you have comic book toy figurines? Or could you grab some from that box of childhood stuff the parents have been asking you to take away for a decade? Line 'em up inside the medicine cabinet. She won't notice the action figure army watching her until she's surprised by opening the door! 

Don’t forget the signed note with a legendary Spidey reference she won’t understand: “That’s a cute outfit, did your husband give it to you?”

Sleeping Beauty

Are you tired of him falling asleep during any movie you ask him to watch? 

Why can't he ever muster up some enthusiasm for what you think is interesting? 

Would he fall asleep during the 20th viewing of Die Hard? 

Not likely! Teach him a lesson and while he's asleep, paint his toes in a shade of hot pink-- something he's sure to notice right away the next day. For extra giggles, strap your biggest bra on his bare chest as tight as it can go without waking him, too. Once the papa bear is properly mama beared, go ahead and hide your nail polish remover so he can't find it the next day. 

Bonus points if you can video him trying to get the bra off with fingers behind his back.

Cereal Switcheroo

Is your spouse always after you to eat better? You know you should, but your Frosted Flakes are just so much better than the healthy stuff your significant other wants for breakfast. 

Why not let him/her know what he/she's missing some morning with a spouse prank they won’t soon forget? Remove your bag of cereal courtesy of Tony the Tiger from its outer box and replace that bag of granola sadness in her breakfast box. 

When you hear her open the bag and pour out the morning meal, be sure to do your best commercial cartoon impression: "theyy'rrre grrrreeeeaaat!"

He's a Hunk (Honk Honk)

Does your husband think he's God's gift to women? Although he might flirt harmlessly with cashiers, servers, and sales ladies, it can get annoying. We know. 

So, play on his vanity with this harmless-but-fun little wifely prank. 

Use two temporary labels to write "HONK AND WAVE" in ALL CAPS and stick one label each on the FRONT and BACK bumpers of his car. 

He'll be amazed at how popular he is the next time he drives to work-- until one of his co-workers points out that he’s been pranked.

Who’s Your Daddy?

What happens when a mom switches the baby her husband is in charge of keeping safe and sound? Does the guy even notice the replacement baby isn’t his own child? 

The secretly-filmed reaction is hilarious when this wily wife pranks her husband. But to his credit, he does figure it out-- and much more quickly than she thought he would. Good one, Dad. Secret sign the Apocalypse is closer than you could wish: the bar for men as parents is SO FREAKING LOW that the fact that he knows what his baby looks like is actually impressive to the women of TikTok. 


BONUS PRANK 26: Macho Butterfly

Do you have a man who won't wear pink, disdains using straws because “that’s like a tiny penis”, won't drink a cocktail with a paper umbrella in it, and has to be tricked or persuaded to watch chick flicks with you? 

Don’t worry, this common issue with the male species can be sorted out quite easily. 

Just take a clue from what this one lady did to teach her hubs a lesson. 

Hopefully your guy is a heavy sleeper so he won't feel a thing when you apply that pretty temporary tattoo of a lovely pink butterfly to the back of his neck. 

If he starts waking, just pretend you're giving him a neck and shoulders massage. 

Be sure to snap a picture so you can show him after he's spent a day in the audience being laughed at by other guys in the stadium.

BONUS PRANK 27: Onion Breath in One Bite

Your lover absolutely hates it when you eat onions. 

He/she fairly shuns you after you order a hotdog or burger with raw onions. 

Marrying them seemed like a good idea, but it bugs you to no end that they always make snarky comments about your breath after you top your chili or salad with onions. 

Okay, so you love onions and he/she doesn't. It doesn’t mean a separation. And it doesn't mean you should have to put up with his/her stinking comments, either. 

So, when taffy/caramel/candy apple season comes along, here’s what ya do onion lover: make some homemade candy-covered apples along with a special, candy-camouflaged onion just for her! 

You take a big bite of yours and offer her a candy ‘apple’ of her very own. 

One bite straight out of that onion will let you say: “Dang, honey, you've got onion breath!”

BONUS PRANK 28: Whoopie!

She's picking up her bestie for lunch in your just-washed Dodge Charger so you can spend "quality time" with the kids on your day off from work? 

How's this for quality time: round up Brock and Beatrice (or Austin and Ainsley as the case may be) and drive up to Applebee's about 15 minutes after she should be there and in the booth getting that first drink and delicious kids-free appetizers delivered. 

Find your car in the parking lot and use your spare key to slip in and place a whoopie cushion under the seat pad. You and the kids will have one heck of a quality laugh all the way home.

BONUS PRANK 29: Under-the-Radar Proposal Nudge 

We've never done an in-depth analysis of how many marriages we've helped create because of a prank...but we suspect it's more than one. 

He didn’t subscribe to get on our email list? Maybe a "friend" signed him up as a prank. 

He wasn't shopping for engagement rings before he started seeing retargeting advertisements from our website on his smartphone and socials? 

That’s weird. A “friend” must have borrowed his device to shop our site…and the marriage monster known as our content marketing machine just followed the internet cookies all the way back to the gentleman we thought was ready to make a marriage proposal and offered him our affordable diamond-alternative engagement ring options.

But the joke’s on the friend, because that poor clueless guy is way more nearly-wed than he realized-- and soon to be getting engaged and then married while under the influence of our intoxicating content marketing we swear we didn’t spam him with. 

Umm, yeah. It’s what we do.

A great cure for boredom

Yes, part of our job here is to entertain you.

That's because we recognize that your significant other’s job isn’t to entertain you.

ASIDE: We would, however, argue that marrying someone who makes you laugh the most is far better pound for pound than marrying the person who makes the horndog the horniest. 

Life isn’t all fun and games.

You’re gonna get bored in life.

And marriage is a big part of life.

So yeah, we hate to break it to the nearlyweds out there thinking marriage will be one big fun roller coaster ride…here’s the unfunny truth: a marriage can (and probably must) have boring times.

Boring can even be good sometimes (we think).

If you’re never bored, you stop asking questions. 

Questions are important. 

These are good questions: 

  • why did that happen?
  • how do I fix this problem?
  • What can I do to annoy the crap out of my husband/wife?

That third one is fun.

You'll never get to the peak of marital fulfillment if you’re distracted just enough to never be bored. Turn off the TV for a bit (your brain shouldn’t be  spam folder 3 hours per day every day trying to sort out ads).

Let yourself get bored. 

And while you’re bored, imagine pulling off one of these pranks on the person you married / will marry.

Trust us, it’s better than what’s on streaming channels!

You know your spouse better than anybody. 

If you put your mind to it, you can pull a prank they'll never forget

We're hoping these 25+ husband and wife pranks will inspire you. 

Feel free to adapt one to your situation and make it your own. 

The next time your husband or wife drops the ball on chores or forgets something important, you can apply humor to the situation and revel in your petty laughter-inducing pranker’s revenge. 

All we ask is that you don’t tell him/her you got the idea from

(our market research says our customers are pranksters, but don’t do much like to get pranked).

-- Mr. and Mrs. Cubic Zirconia


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