My father-in-law’s 4 chainsaws and saving money on repeat purchases from

In The Clear Choice 0 comments

Mr. Cubic Zirconia here, dear reader.

Why does my father-in-law need four chainsaws? And what does it have to do with saving money on repeat purchases from Read on to find out!

As you may have read in an email directing you to this blog post, it's a conundrum for me why this gent would have 4 chainsaws (that I know of). 

It's a question that so intrigued me that instead of just asking the guy and feeling like a fool…we brainstormed this same thing on a slow day here in the shop and actually created a list of possible, rational reasons for my father-in-law's collection of 4 chainsaws:

  • A real man’s man would know how to wield a loud and dangerous piece of power equipment safely with each of his two hands AND each of his two feet while simultaneously cutting down four trees at the same time.

  • The notion that two is better than one is trumped by the obvious truth, if logic follows reasons (of sorts) that four be much, much, much better than one.

  • Could have inherited one or more…not bought all of them.

  • His neighbor or a friend might want to borrow one and either break or fail to return it.

  • No need to decide electric vs. gas and cord or no cord-- just get one of each.

  • There was a buy-one-get-one free sale (or a buy-three-and-get-the-fourth-free sale)

  • He's a collector of power tools.

  • Supplies the chainsaws each year for a nearby haunted forest’s scarer team.

  • There is always a backup chainsaw that's charged/gassed up and ready to go.

  • He could organize a tree-cutting party and invite three of his best friends.

  • Chainsaws are notoriously difficult to start, so he'll always have backups when one starter gets persnickety.

  • His garage decor will be enhanced by the rugged appearance of different-themed chainsaws on each wall: hunter orange or camo-gear colored.

  • A burning obsession with this mother of all power tools. 

OK, no more poking fun at my really great father-in-law.

       Doesn’t sound quite so crazy now!

Multiples Are Great!

If I’m being honest, fair and non-judgmental…

Owning more than one of the same item(s) isn't all that unusual when you stop and think about it. Here I am poking-- mostly harmless-- fun at my wife's father, but as I look around my own home, I am struck by the concept of owning duplicate items. 

For instance, we have multiple duplicate items such as:

  • Tennis shoes (I know there are people who only have one pair)
  • Can opener
  • Bed sheets (maybe obvious but an easy example)
  • Towels (duh)
  • Wineglasses (way more than have probably ever been needed at one time)
  • Tupperware containers (
  • Coffee maker (with my wife, it’s a real risk the first could break down without a spare)
  • Broom (one for inside and outside)

Bejeweled Multiples

Owning more than one of the same item can be useful, and we all as humans probably have at least one thing that we collect even if it isn’t exactly useful…so who am I to knock the practice? 

As an homage to my father-in-law’s passion for chainsaws, I would like to formally acknowledge that owning more than one of the same item is something many of us do. 

In fact, at, we have many customers who purchase more than one of the same jewelry pieces. Why? Well, customers do this for lots of different reasons such as:

  • They love the piece so much that they want a backup.

  • “During family dinner nights, my sister has regularly taken the ring off the doohickey that holds jewelry near my sink while I wash dishes, and she’ll put it on and pretend she doesn’t want to give it back to me…so I’m getting her one of her own for her birthday.” -- Customer quote

  • She lost her engagement ring and she needs to get a replacement before the engagement party so she can take pictures and her family won't notice.

  • You lost the original and want another just like it.

  • Your jewelry was stolen and you want a replacement.

  • They want to give the same jewelry design to various people (this is a great option for giving identical jewelry gifts to mothers and daughters, granddaughters, siblings, etc)

  • Fiancée one kept the ring and you need another for fiancée 2.

  • Arthritis makes your fingers swell and you don't want to keep sizing your wedding ring-- but instead get an exact match ring a little bigger to wear on painful days.

  • They want to keep one jewel at home and the other at their vacation property.

  • They wear one jewelry item everyday and keep the other in pristine condition for special occasions.

  • “We got in a fight on vacation and she took off the ring and threw it at my head.  Then it bounced off the edge of the boat into the water and sank.” -- Anonymous

Whatever the reason, buying more than one identical jewel is fine by us-- so fine, in fact, that we offer customers special discounts for purchasing the same jewelry item more than once. 

Contact us for details.


What else did I want to say today?

Maybe something for the lawyers about the dangers of operating 4 chainsaws at the same time? That might be it. Or maybe it was something else. 

Something’s missing… but I can't quite put my finger on it…

Mr. Cubic Zirconia

P.S. Speaking of tools…

“Experienced jewelers can easily tell the difference between a diamond and a cubic zirconia”. You’ve heard that lie before, right? They make you want to think you can just eyeball it and say with 100% certainty that it’s a cubic zirconia and not a flawless diamond. 

They can’t. 

It’s a lie. 

Here’s an example of a few of the expensive $6000-8500 USD tools currently on the market for jewelers to use to tell the difference between real mined diamonds and various fake diamonds. 

You can ‘look at it and tell the difference’ Mr. Jeweler? 

Yeah right. 

And my father-in-law really needs 4 different chainsaws.

(1) Finished precious metal jewelry prices on fluctuate regularly based on wholesale metals market costs for silver, gold, palladium and platinum. 

Please note that today’s cost of precious metals-- upon which our retail jewelry prices made with that precious metal are based-- may be higher or lower now than it was when you originally purchased. The discounted multiple jewelry item copies offer’s price with 25+% off today’s price may actually cost more than you paid for the same item originally-- IF the precious metals costs have increased since your purchase. Read how our dynamic pricing policy benefits our customers.


(2) Not applicable to bracelets, eternity bands, pearl jewelry, bridal/wedding sets of two already-discounted rings, or jewelry made from scratch with customer CAD design approval through our custom "design your own" and replicas program


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